what we’ve been up to…

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… Besides a whole lotta work. We’re cruising {careening?} back into our busy season after a lazy summer, and it’s always a shock to the system. I’m tired. Like, really tired. And I’ve had a dull annoying headache for about a week, so that’s been fun.

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C and I have had many a deep wine-soaked convo about sacrifice regarding this crazy business of ours. Trading one important thing for another is a common theme for us; and prioritizing can be tough. Like last weekend, when I missed a close friend’s event that I’d looked forward to for months, after an unexpected major malfunction late in the afternoon sent my well-laid plans into a tailspin. I don’t know what’s worse: dealing with the crisis management du jour, or pressing send on the last minute “I’m so sorry, I’m not going to make it,” text. No one said it was going to be easy…

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Have no fear for my sanity or well-being; yet. I have a few tried-and-true methods for getting through. They include, but are not limited to:

Excessive consumption of red wine and/or ice cream. Sunday afternoon Netflix marathons, interrupted only by eating and napping. Puppy snuggles {c’mon, just saying “puppy snuggles” is therapeutic}. Taking advantage of every opportunity to spend time with my family to stay connected. Devouring fiction novels. Whipping up home-cooked meals. Making time for projects and hobbies. And when all else fails, stocking up on motivational home accessories to keep me “uplifted.”

Speaking of uplifting, what’s more mood-enhancing than winning free swag?! Remember to enter the INPINK giveaway! 100 lucky APP readers will win $40 each in free jewelry. Enter, enter!


  1. Like the black and white.

  2. Free jewelry? Count me in!

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