taking stock // 01

taking stock

Making : time to get back to blogging.
Cooking : dinner with leftover holiday ham.
Drinking : a generously poured glass of Layer Cake Malbec.
Reading: The Family Fang by Kevin Wilson.
Wanting: a few extra days before Christmas.
Looking: at a new delivery van for the flower shop.
Playing: catch-up.
Wasting: evenings watching How I Met Your Mother on Netflix.
Wishing: all our family and friends lived close by.
Enjoying: sweater weather!
Waiting: for my friend, Laura, to come home for the holidays.
Liking: FaceTiming with my mom.
Wondering: what to get our parents for Christmas…
Loving: “pumpkin magic bars.”  
Hoping: for a successful finale to 2013.
Marvelling: at the kindness of a lady who made a trip across town this afternoon to return my planner that I unknowingly left in a restaurant.
Needing: a little Christmas tree for our living room.
Smelling: Tokyo Milk Bulletproof.
Wearing: pollen-stained skinnies and a Target sweater.
Following: a daunting holiday/year-end checklist.
Noticing: my jeans are tighter than they were last Wednesday.
Knowing: I have so much to be thankful for this season.
Thinking: about going blonder…
Bookmarking: Mandy Moore’s beauty secrets.
Opening: holiday decorations at the flower shop.
Giggling: at Jimmy, Rashida and Carrie’s holiday mash-up.
Feeling: grateful.

Inspired by Sydney, who was inspired by Pip!


  1. […] was inspired to do this post whilst reading Keira Lennox’s blog A Pretty Penny here. I thought it would be a nice idea to publish these posts, as it will help me remember what was […]

  2. […] Thanks Pip for inspiring Keira! […]

  3. Hi! I just found your beautiful blog! Your furry friend is adorable! Happy NEW Year! Teje

  4. I can fully understand your “Wanting: a few extra days before Christmas” and “Wishing: all our family and friends lived close by” contributions. I feel just the same!
    Lovely Post ♥

    xoxo Juliane

  5. Your dog is adorable and your blog is awesome!


  7. […] by Keira (who was inspired by Sydney, who was inspired by […]

  8. Reblogged this on fashion.

  9. Loved this post :) I think I’ll make my own tonight. Thanks for passing on the inspiration!

  10. Keira! Just found your blog and LOVE it. I grew up in a small town in Fl too, so I instantly felt a connection… excited to follow along. :)

    1. Hi Lyndsay! I’m so glad you found me so I could find you! 😊 Your blog and photography are lovely!

  11. Cool, I will link this post in my blog cause I’d really love to make one in Italian for my readers! Btw: 1. I love your dog 2: I’m wanting a few extra days befone xmas, too!

    1. Cool! I think it’s a great way to journal 😊

  12. This is such an original blogpost! I am quite new to the whole blog-thing but I think not many have done this, it’s a really great idea of you! ;)

  13. Love Layer Cake red wine!

  14. What a great post! Might jump onto the bandwagon with this one… Looks like fun…

  15. What a wonderful idea! I may partake in this list! It’s the perfect time of year to show what you’re grateful for and what you’re up to! <3


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